Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Signs of Spring

"The way I see it, if you want the Rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain" - Dolly Parton

I know, I am posting about my tulips again - I just need to see something bright, green and beautiful to remind me that spring is around the corner (although I am told it is officially here...) Like England - the weather in Ireland has been terrible, storms, rain and wind. It really makes it harder to get through the days, especially with an energetic 5 year old boy.
So - I am very proud of the bulbs that my daughter and I planted in September...its lovely to see things come to life, and there are a lot more the in garden that still have to come up and surprise us with their beautiful colours.

I have to say thank you so much for all your lovely comments about Bella...it really did make me feel so much better about the situation. Some days things can just all get too much, and I have been feeling really down this week about Bella, missing home and just the gray days. I would give anything to sit and have a cup of coffee with my mom and just chat, things I took for granted when I lived back home in South Africa. It really puts things in perspective and makes you appreciate what you did have.


julia said...

The sun will come out again soon, don't you worry and things will seem so much brighter. (That's unless we all get blown off the planet before then by these almighty winds!)
Julia x

The Polka Dot Pixie said...

How lovely to see those tulips. Both times I have been to Ireland it has been in late March, so it was a treat to see all the daffodils blooming on the side of the road. Hand in there, April will be here before you know it! ((((hugs))))- Jenny

Cottage Contessa said...

Beautiful flower sweetie! You'll never guess what. I just bought a book of quotes recently, and that one from Dolly Parton was in there! I go from never having heard it, to hearing it twice in a week! lol Hope you're having a wonderful week there too!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)