Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Beautiful Shop/Garden Centre/Bistro

"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes in to us at midnight very clean.It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands.It hopes we've learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

This is one of the most inspiring quotes I have seen in a long time.
The photos are of a garden centre/shop here in Cork that we visited on Sunday. It is so lovely!Needless to say there are no pics of the Garden side of it..I never got that far on this visit...Neither are there pics of the gorgeous bistro attached to it...I will take pics of these on my next visit there...
My dear ladies, I was far too enthralled at the collection of Cath Kidston fabrics, cups, teapots, bags...as well as Greengate and many other lovely lovely brands of goodies.
I walked out with NOTHING...which is a first. I want to go back one morning, take my time, wander around...and ponder over what to buy over a delicious cup of tea and perhaps a slice of cake..I can't wait to go back!


Claire said...

Yaay another romantic new yorker loving day dreamer...lol, thankyou for your comment, glancing through your blog ( I will take time to read it ) it looks lovely and your house style is fab!! I have a Max too! One Fine Day was on earlier and I felt like crying as I wanted to be there sooo much, asked hubby if he could take a year off work and we could go and live there, I just got a strange look off him as if to say 'come down from the clouds you mad women!! I'll pop back for a better read of your blog. x

Anonymous said...

I looove this quote!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, and so lovely to have found yours!

Lucy Bloom said...

Hi Jasminé, what a fantastic place and what incredible self-restraint, I'm sure you'll come back with something next time!
Lucy x

Nicole said...

This looks like a store I could roam around in for hours!

blah said...

That shop is lovely Jasmine, I'm impressed that they let you take photos too :-)

Looking forward to seeing what you end up purchasing there:-)